Title: Jordan: Instructions on Competition Safeguards in the Telecommunications Sector

Languages: English

Type: Document

Region: Middle East and North Africa (MENA)

Country: Global / Non-Specific, Jordan

Sectors: Telecom and ICT

Keywords: Telecom and ICT, Information & Communication Technology PPPs **


Instructions on Competition Safeguards334.56 KB

Document Summary:

Telecommunications Regulatory Commission - Instructions on Competition Safeguards in the Telecommunications Sector.

Document Details:

TRC Board Decision No.(1-3-2006) Date(14-2-2006).

Issued Pursuant to ARTICLES 6(a), 6(b), 6(e) 12(A/2), and 12(A/6) of the Telecommunications Law No. (13) for the Year 1995 and its amendments.

Find more at Telecommunications / Information & Communication Technology PPPs

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Ref: Competition_safeguards_instructions

Updated: September 20, 2021