Title: Jordan: Electricity Law

Languages: English

Type: Document

Region: Middle East and North Africa (MENA)

Country: Global / Non-Specific, Jordan

Sectors: Energy and Power

Keywords: Legal Framework *, Energy and Power, Energy and Power PPPs **


Jordan Electricity Law (EN)206.57 KB, قانون الكهرباء (Arabic)219.56 KB

Document Summary:

Temporary Law No. (64) for the Year 2003 on General Electricity Law

Document Details:

This Law shall be called (the General Electricity Law for the year 2002) and shall be put into effect as of the day of its publication in the Official Gazette. English and Arabic versions available.

For more information about this sector, please visit Public–Private Partnerships in Energy and Power.

Image by analogicus from Pixabay 


Updated: September 23, 2021