Title: Draft Rural Electrification Fund Operational Manual: Governance

Languages: English

Type: Document

Region: East Asia and Pacific (EAP)

Country: Cambodia

Sectors: Energy and Power

Keywords: Financing and Risk Mitigation **


Draft Rural Electrification Fund Operational Manual: Governance222.88 KB

Document Details:

The governance / management structure of the REF, is composed of three layers:

(i) The Board of Directors of REF, called the Rural Electrification Board, REB provides the strategic management for REF-operations.

(ii) The Executive Director of the REF-Secretariat is in charge of operational management; while the REF- Payments Agent, under contract with REB, administers the disbursement of REF-subsidy payments to supported projects.

(iii) The Annual Assembly of Stakeholders called by the Minister in charge of Energy has no formal decision making powers. But it has a strong advisory role and is important for transparency in the decision taking by REB on major issues.

Updated: August 25, 2020