Title: Demystifying Private Climate Finance

Language: English

Type: Website

Nature: Report

Published: December 1, 2014

Region: Global

Country: Global / Non-Specific

Topic: Asset Recycling *, Climate-Smart

Keywords: Asset Recycling **, Climate Finance, Climate Resilient, Climate Smart

Document Link(s):

Document Summary:

The Report is produced by UNEP Finance Initiative’s Climate Change Advisory Group and KPMG with the support of
The Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation and The Australian Agency for International Development.

Document Details:

The report aims to increase policy-makers and climate negotiators understanding of the essentials of private finance, and it suggests and introduces a generic logic and approach – a sequence of questions – that climate negotiators and policy-makers should follow when debating, and ultimately designing, the public interventions required for the unlocking of at-scale private climate finance.


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To find more, visit the Guidelines to Implementing Asset Recycling Transactions Section Overview and Content Outline, or download Full Version of the Report.



Updated: May 18, 2023