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The Guidelines have not been prepared with any specific transaction in mind and are meant to serve only as general guidance. It is therefore critical that the Guidelines be reviewed and adapted for specific transactions To find more, visit the Guidelines to Implementing Asset Recycling Transactions Section Overview and Content Outline, or Download the Full Report.

This is a new section of the website and is currently in draft form.  For feedback on the content of this section of the website or suggestions for links or materials that could be included, please contact the PPPLRC at



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Table of Contents
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The Guidelines to Implementing Asset Recycling Transactions is intended to be a living document and will be reviewed at regular intervals. Visit the Asset Recycling: Decision maker’s notes for a practitioner's overview of Asset Recycling programs. To find more, check out the Section Overview and Content Outline, or Download the Full Report.



Structure of Guidelines for Asset Recycling

This document provides a set of step-by-step guidelines for relevant authorities to monetize existing assets by recycling them through long-term concession or lease arrangements. The development of the Guidelines has been informed by best practices gleaned from programs implemented by various countries.

The Guidelines are structured as follows:

  • Section 3 - sets out the Asset Selection Process which a Relevant Authority should undertake in the selection of an appropriate asset for the purposes of an asset recycling transaction.

  • Section 4 - sets out the Project Preparation Process, which includes the selection of transaction advisors, the due diligence process, project structuring and market sounding activities.

  • Section 5 - sets out the Tendering Process for the asset recycling transaction, from procurement to bid award and contract finalization.

  • Section 6 - sets out Financing Options and Instruments available for asset recycling transactions.

  • Section 7 - sets out the Contract Management process post contract award; this includes guidelines for developing the contract management plan, monitoring and reporting, and dispute resolution mechanism.

  • Section 8 - sets out mechanisms for the Use of Proceeds raised from an asset recycling transaction based on international best practices.

The Guidelines are also supplemented with following Annex:

  • Module 1 to 4 - set out sector-specific asset recycling guidelines for airports, power, roads, and ports sectors, including sector-specific due diligence requirements, sample risk allocation matrix and sample terms of reference (TOR) for selection of transaction advisors.

  • Module 5 - sets out a template for term sheet for a typical concession/ lease model for an asset recycling transaction.

  • Module 6 - sets out the range of bid parameters for a typical concession/ lease model for an asset recycling transaction.

  • Module 7 - sets out the bundling and unbundling criteria for assets considered for asset recycling transaction.

  • Module 8 - sets out the details of climate finance as a financing option for asset recycling transactions.

  • Module 9 - sets out the details of Islamic finance as a financing option for asset recycling transactions.

  • Module 10 - sets out the governance requirements of a project company (JV) for asset recycling transaction.

Sections and Annex

Guidelines for Implementing Asset Recycling
Concession and Lease Models Infrastructure is pivotal to sustainable development with positive impacts on the economy… more
Guidelines for Asset Identification
Asset Selection Process Guidelines for the Selection of Assets - In selecting an appropriate asset as the subject of… more
Project Preparation in Asset Recycling
At the project preparation stage, the Relevant Authority should conduct the following activities: Recruit and engage… more
Tendering Process in Asset Recycling
Find guidelines, roles of tender committee and required documents to tender Asset Recycling Transaction. Procurement… more
Financing Options and Instruments
This section presents different modes of financing an asset recycling finance. Private sector participants in an asset… more
Contract Management in Asset Recycling
Asset recycling transactions involving a long-term concession or lease of an asset to a private partner constitute a… more
Utilization of Proceeds in Asset Recycling
Options for utilization proceeds The government entities may consider the following for utilization of proceeds from… more
Annex in Asset Recycling
The Guidelines are also supplemented with following Annex: Modules 1 to 4 set out sector-specific asset recycling… more
Airport Module Module 1 of the Annex in Asset Recycling. Find operational criteria in selecting an appropriate asset as the subject.… more
Power Generation Module Module 2 of the Annex in Asset Recycling. The Relevant Authority should undertake a due diligence study of the power… more
Toll Roads Module Module 3 of the Annex in Asset Recycling. A due diligence study of the toll roads asset that is considered for asset… more
Ports Module Module 4 of the Annex in Asset Recycling. This annexure sets out sector-specific asset recycling guidelines for the… more
Sample Term Sheet Module 5 of the Annex in Asset Recycling. This term sheet sets out a framework for the terms and conditions to be set… more
Bid Parameters Module 6 of the Annex in Asset Recycling. It is important the Relevant Authority tailor the bid evaluation parameters… more
Bundling and Unbundling Criteria Module 7 of the Annex in Asset Recycling. Key considerations if the Relevant Authority consider bundling multiple… more
Climate Finance in Asset Recycling
Module 8 of the Annex in Asset Recycling. Climate finance has a central role in enabling sustainable transitions to a… more
Islamic Finance and Asset Recycling
Module 9 of the Annex in Asset Recycling. Financing is a process of providing funds for business activities, making… more
Elements for Governance of Project Company (JV) Module 10 of the Annex in Asset Recycling. This checklist sets out some of the key aspects for the Joint Venture (“JV… more

The Guidelines have not been prepared with any specific transaction in mind and are meant to serve only as general guidance. It is therefore critical that the Guidelines be reviewed and adapted for specific transactions To find more, visit the Guidelines to Implementing Asset Recycling Transactions Section Overview and Content Outline, or Download the Full Report.

This is a new section of the website and is currently in draft form.  For feedback on the content of this section of the website or suggestions for links or materials that could be included, please contact the PPPLRC at