Title: Corredor Turístico - Contrato de Concesión (Concession Agreement)

Languages: Spanish

Region: Latin America and Caribbean (LAC)

Country: Honduras

Sectors: Transportation

Keywords: Concession


Corredor Turístico - Contrato de Concesión2.25 MB, Pliego de Condiciones1.09 MB

Document Details:

Corredor Turístico (El Progreso-Tela, San Pedro Sula – El Progreso y La Barca – El Progreso) - Concession Agreement between the Republic of Honduras (conceding authority) and the Consortium Concorcio Canal Seco (CASH) (concessionaire) for the construction, operation, transfer, and maintenance of a 122-km, four-lane highway along the Atlantic side of Honduras ("touristic corridor") under a design, finance, build, operate, transfer (DFBOT) scheme (Spanish).

The conceding authority undertakes to guarantee to the concessionaire an annual minimum income during the lesser of: (i) 15 years or (ii) the debt repayment term since the date of acceptance of all works by the concessionaire. There are specific “minimum guaranteed annual income” (IMAG) amounts for each year of the concession, i.e. from 2014 to 2043. The contract has a maximum duration of 30 years (not including the time to carry out the works), except if it gets extended or terminated before the time.

More information and legal documents on the project are available on the website of COALIANZA.  

For more information about PPP road projects visit Road Concessions, BOTs, DBOs


Tracking Number: Honduras_Corredor Turístico_Concession Agreement_ES.pdf

Updated: March 27, 2021