Title: Bolivia, SHS Medium Term Service Contracts - Teaser for Tender Package
Languages: English
Region: Europe and Central Asia (ECA)
Country: Bolivia
Sectors: Energy and Power
Keywords: Solar power, Tender process, Energy and Power PPPs **
SHS Medium Term Service Contracts bytes
Document Summary:
Rural Electrification Agencies and Funds: Bolivia, SHS Medium Term Service Contracts - Teaser for Tender Package (2004, 14 pages). A “teaser” document designed to interest international and domestic investors in competing for the right to install government subsidized solar home systems (SHS) on a mass basis in four defined geographic areas of Bolivia.
Document Details:
Using a combination of “medium term service contracts” and capital subsidies, the program was designed to develop self-sustaining solar home systems in these regions. Unlike other earlier SHS programs in other countries, the Bolivian program placed heavy emphasis on independent monitoring of the performance of winning service providers.
For more information about this sector, please visit Public–Private Partnerships in Energy and Power.
Tracking Number: SHS Medium Term Service Contracts_2004_English
Image by Pixabay
Updated: June 28, 2022