Title: Bidding process for the concession of the integrated System of Public Transportation of Bogota

Languages: Spanish

Region: Latin America and Caribbean (LAC)

Country: Colombia

Keywords: PPP Project Cycle, Parties, Sector, Private Sector, Procurement, Local content, Bus rapid transit


Document Details:


The procurement stage of this PPP for a new transportation system in Bogota included the principle of democratization (see Decreto 309 de 2009).

This TOR asks the bidders to indicate the number of public transportation vehicle owners that are members of the consortium. According to the TOR, it is not necessary that the public transport vehicle owner be an actual member of the consortium bidding, as long as they indicate that there is agreement for such operators to be part of the consortium in the future if they are awarded with the project. The bidders will be scored based on the number of public transport vehicle owners they include.

In addition to this, as part of the democratization principle, the TOR assigns a better score when the bidder offers better terms for the bus operator such as a higher valuation of their vehicles for sale. (Clause 4.5.1)

Related Information:


  • Small and Medium Enterprises and PPPs
  • Bidding Documents and Contractual Provisions regarding inclusion of SMEs in PPPs

Tracking Reference:

Bidding process for the concession of the integrated System of Public Transportation of Bogota_ES_2009

Updated: August 25, 2020