Estudio de Caso - Contrato de mejoras integrales de los servicios de agua potable en el Distrito de Colón, Panamá

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本报告介绍了在水资源领域,在与私营运营商签订以业绩为准的水资源服务改进合同时,构建和设计投标文件的经验。 这份为期三年的合同的目标是改进巴拿马第二大城市科隆的供水服务。根据该合同,私营运营商需要支持国家水公共设施的技术、商业和社会管理,并直接执行投资项目。这是一份基于业绩的合同,其中30%的收入来取决于下列业绩指标的完成成果:(i) 产量/人均;(ii) 持续性;(iii) 收款率;(iv) 水表覆盖范围。

如要获得该行业的更多信息,请访问: PPP在水务及环境卫生领域

参考文献: Panama_Estudio de Caso_Contrato de mejoras integrales servicios de agua potable_ES.pdf


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Executive Decree Nº 39757- 2016 - Costa Rica by which the National System of Targeted Subsidies to Drinking Water Consumption and Sanitation. “Sistema Nacional de Subsidios Focalizados , al Consumo de Agua Potable y Saneamiento” is implemented (Spanish)

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Article 10 mandates the country to provide for a national system of targeted cross-subsidies for water and sanitation services and complementary services, and guarantee easy access to such services to the poor. The subsidy will be financed through the tariff paid by users not categorized as poor or as extremely poor. Likewise, the decree provides for certain rules and requirements that this system has to comply with.


Related Information:

Regulatory and Institutional Framework for Drinking Water and Sanitary Sewerage Services Provision - Decree Law No. 2 of 1997 – Panama (Spanish)

Publication Year
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Article 44 of the regulation provides for exemption and subsidies that the national or local government can grant as public benefit. The law establishes clear rules for their granting.

Related Information:

Designing Pro-Poor Water and Sewer Concessions: Early Lessons from Bolivia

Publication Year

In this document, the author explains how the design of laws and regulations, bidding process, and contract play an important role in the results of a private participation in infrastructure. The Author conducts a study on concessions for water and sewer services in La Paz and El Alto, and illustrates how the service coverage is directly affected by the provisions established under the concession framework. The author also suggests improving private sector performance by enforcing well-defined contractual arrangements between the government and private sector participants.