Innovative Financing Mechanisms for the Water Sector (ENV/EPOC/GSP (2009)11 Final

This paper discusses innovative mechanisms for financing water sector project that in all likelihood are also relevant to small scale build-outs of Last Mile fiber infrastructure in rural areas. It discusses potential mechanisms at the national level to finance smaller scale local projects as well as means of aggregating similar projects for financing through upstream financial distribution channels. Some of these techniques are currently being explored through public-private partnerships in rural New Hampshire.

Community Guidelines for the application of State aid rules in relation to rapid deployment of broadband networks

Broadband connectivity is a key component for the development, adoption and use of information and communication technologies (ICT) in the economy and in society. Broadband is of strategic importance because of its ability to accelerate the contribution of these technologies to growth and innovation in all sectors of the economy and to social and territorial cohesion. The Commission actively supports the widespread availability of broadband services for all European citizens as laid down in the Lisbon strategy and subsequent Communications

State aid: Commission adopts Guidelines for broadband networks – frequently asked questions

State aid: Commission adopts Guidelines for broadband networks – frequently asked questions

(see also IP/09/1332 )

What are the Guidelines about?

In short, the Broadband Guidelines outline the rules and conditions on how public funding could be provided to build broadband networks in line with the EU state aid rules.