Energy - Sample Request for Qualifications for Large Scale Generation Projects - Response Package - Volume II

Publication Year


1.1 General Instructions
Volume II is the Response Package of the Request for Proposals (RFP) for Large Scale Power Projects. It contains the instructions for preparing the Technical Proposal and Financial Proposal, including the information Bidders are required to submit and the organisational structure and contents of the submissions. Prior to developing their proposals, Bidders are requested to carefully read the instructions in this Volume. 

Energy - Sample Request for Qualifications for Large Scale Generation Projects

Publication Year

[The Procuring Entity] is pleased to present this opportunity to finance, design, procure, construct, commission, operate and maintain a [technology to be used] power plant with a capacity of [XX-XX] MW (the “Facility”) at [location], and enter into a long-term power purchase agreement (PPA) with [the Procuring Entity] for the whole of the capacity and electrical output of the Facility (the “Project”).

Setting Standards for Communication and Governance: The Example of Infrastructure Projects

Publication Year

This paper outlines a number of practical initiatives to strengthen the role of development communication in infrastructure projects. The authors aim to facilitate better quality projects and to build consensus on the type of governance reforms needed to fight corruption, drawing on the experience of development agencies like the World Bank and Transparency International, the leading anticorruption NGO.

UN/ ECE - Guidelines on Governance in Public-Private Partnerships for Infrastructure Development (2005)

Publication Year

Improving governance can help maximize the benefits and minimize the risks in Public Private Partnerships. It requires governments to acquire new skills in public management and to establish new institutions and procedures. Governments will need to focus on supervision and regulation, rather than on direct ownership and controls. In addition to these new skills, new sources of expertise and qualifications are required to ensure that PPPs also contribute to sustainable development.

Strengthening World Bank Group Engagement on Governance and Anticorruption (GAC)

Publication Year

1. This report describes and assesses progress in the second year of implementation of the World Bank Group‘s (WBG) Governance and Anticorruption strategy (GAC), which was endorsed by the Board of Executive Directors in March 2007. Since November 2007, a high-level GAC Council, chaired by the Managing Directors on a rotating basis, with Vice President and Director-level members and alternates, has met on a monthly basis to review and guide implementation of the strategy. The One-Year Progress Report on implementation of the strategy was issued in October 2008.