World Bank Group Guarantees Matrix

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Publication Year
The World Bank Group guarantees matrix gives an overview of the different guarantees and risk insurance products offered by the World Bank, the International Finance Corporation (IFC) and the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA) with regard to risk coverage, the eligible borrower, project type, the beneficiary, as well as pricing and indemnity requirements. 

Sample Terms of Reference for Advisor: City By-Pass Refined Feasibility Study

Publication Year


Sample terms of reference for preparing a refined feasibility study for a proposed city by-pass. The terms of reference document is predicated on the fact that most of the required information for a solid feasibility study has already been prepared. Most of the additional effort required to prepare a refined feasibility study is directed at presenting the facts and analysis within an improved report structure to present the case for the proposed by-pass.


Value for Money Report: Autoroute 30

Publication Year


Concession Agreement entered into in October 2008 for design, build operation, maintenance and repair (and financing) of Autoroute 30, which will provide a southern bypass of Montreal, Quebec, Canada. The Concession is for a maximum of 35 years. The Private Partner collects tolls on behalf of Government which it then remits to the Government. The Private Partner is paid a construction fee and an availability fee and a fee based on the levels of revenue achieved, less certain deductions (see articles 29 and 30).

PPP Insights: Road PPPs and Payment Mechanisms for Road PPPs

Publication Year
A well-constructed and maintained road system is important to both developed and emerging economies but they are expensive to build and properly maintain. In most countries, the majority of the road systems are designed, built, maintained and financed by government. Private sector contractors have been used by governments to carry out construction work but problems of bad design and construction, together with the tendency by governments to neglect maintenance, have led governments to look at alternative solutions and longer term contracts with the private sector.

Incentive Structure in Transit Concession Contracts: The Case of Santiago, Chile, and London, England

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Publication Year

The objective of this report is to analyze the principal clauses of bus concession contracts to allow them to be adapted to other cities, and their concrete impact on the behavior of bus operators, the quality of the service provided, and transit systems finances, based mainly on the experience of Transantiago in Santiago, Chile, and in London, England .