Policy Guidelines for Managing Unsolicited Proposals in Infrastructure Projects (Self-Paced)

This course is built on three documents which include: i) Main Findings and Recommendations that is considered as a summary; ii) Policy Guidelines for Managing Unsolicited Proposals in Infrastructure Projects, which provides key policy decisions and considerations for the USP Policy; and Review of Experiences with USPs, an in depth review of global best practices with USP policies and projects, the findings of which informed the development and considerations of the Guidelines.

Technical Note 4: How to Appoint and Work with a Preferred Bidder

This note is the fourth in a series of Technical Notes to be issued by the Treasury Taskforce providing practical guidance on key technical issues which arise from the implementation of the Private Finance Initiative (PFI). Each note focuses on a specific area of the procurement process where experience has shown that project managers and other interested parties would value assistance.





Ref: UK Treasury Taskforce Technical Note 4

Standard Bidding Documents for long-term power purchase agreement

The intent of this bid document is to identify Bidders for supply of x MW of power for a period of 13 years. The Bidder can submit bids for any capacity within a range of 0.9 [x] MW to 1.1 [x] MW. The successful Bidders shall enter into a Power Purchase Agreement as detailed out in the Draft Power Purchase Agreement forming the part of this document.



Ref: Standard Bidding Documents for long term PPA

Procurement arrangements applicable to Public-Private Partnerships (PPP) contracts financed under World Bank projects

I. Objective

This note aims to provide guidance on procurement of PPP contracts that are financed by the Bank by providing the interpretation of the policies.

II. Scope of PPPs related to this note

  1. PPPs cover all kinds of arrangements between the public and private sectors to deliver infrastructure services. When a government agency (or a state owned enterprise) seeks private participation to deliver infrastructure services, it has several options available to structure the project.

EPEC - The Guide to Guidance - How to Prepare, Procure and Deliver PPP Projects

The Guide to Guidance is principally aimed at public procurement authorities considering the use of public-private partnership (PPP) arrangements.


A public-private partnership (“PPP”) arrangement differs from conventional public procurement in several respects. In a PPP arrangement the public and private sectors collaborate to deliver public infrastructure projects – such as roads, railways, airports – which typically share the following features:

United Kingdom Treasury Guidance - Procurement and Contract Management

The Efficiency and Reform Group (ERG) in the Cabinet Office leads on Government procurement policy. The guidance provided on this page is complementary to this and is specific to PFI/PPP arrangements.

Project governance guidance (2007)

This guidance looks at a number of aspects of project governance. The intention is not to set out a rigid template but to provide a framework for Authorities to think through the issues and how best to resolve them.