PPP Unit Poland

Other related organizations include Centrum PPP and Institute PPP.

Centrum PPP is a non-profit NGO launched in 2008 by public and private entities – including: banks, law firms, consulting companies, construction firms, regional development agencies, foundations, associations, chambers and business agencies – in order to create and develop a Polish PPP market. Its activities include:

PPP Unit Montenegro

The publication, PPP Units and Related Institutional Framework, has been prepared by European PPP Expertise Centre and contributes to the Western Balkans Investment Framework’s initiative on “PPP Institutional Strengthening in the Western Balkans”. It responds to the need to understand the institutional structures that support PPPs in the countries of the Western Balkans. The main objective of this report is to provide a general overview of the PPP institutional and legal framework in Montenegro.

PPP Unit Lithuania

CPMA (Central Project Management Agency) performs the functions of the PPP Competence Centre and helps to create legal, administrative and institutional conditions in Lithuania, necessary for development of effective partnership.