The Government of Benin passed a new legal framework on public-private-partnership (PPP) in 2016. Visit the PPP Laws/Concession Laws Benin library page for more information.
Find more related materials at Public-Private Partnerships Laws/Concession Laws.
Kosovo - Law on Public-Private Partnerships and Concessions in Infrastructure and the Procedures for Their Award
PPP Act 42/2012 of 7 Septembre 2012 - Decreto-Lei No. 42/2012 de 7 de Setembro "Regime Jurídico das Parcerias Público Privada" (Portuguese). This Act establishes the legal framework for agreements between the State and private entities regarding PPP projects.
Tracking Number:
Timor Leste_PPP Act 42-2012 of 7 Septembre 2012 (Regime Juridico das Parcerias Publico Privada)_Portuguese.pdf
Colombia's Law on Public Private Association with accompanying decrees:
For more sample PPP laws and regulations, please visit PPP Laws/Concession Laws.
The Public Private Partnership Promotion Agency (COALIANZA) is responsible for managing a new investment model in Honduras, as a strategy to raise the country’s level of competitiveness and the quality of life for many families.
COALIANZA has been operating since 2010, based on the approval of Law Decree No. 143-2010 for Promoting Public Private Partnerships.
COALIANZA works as a decentralized agency from the President’s Office, with its own legal status and assets. It is responsible for managing public-private participation in public works and services projects.
European Union (EU): Directive 2014/23/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 February 2014 on the award of concession contracts (available in many EU languages including English, French and Spanish). The new EU directive sets out minimum EU requirement for the award of concession contracts by public authorities to procure works or services from private suppliers.
2012 PPP Law - Decree Law 111/2012 (Decreto-Lei n.º 111/2012) of 23 May 2012 (Portuguese).
The 2012 PPP Law sets out the legal framework for public-private partnerships (PPPs) in Portugal, including the establishment of a new PPP Unit (Unidade Técnica de Acompanhamento de Projetos - UTAP).
Related Information:
2008 Public Contracts Law (Portugal)
Draft bill building on the PPP Policy 2011