Bases integradas de la Licitación Pública No. 001-2012-MML/IMPL para la Concesión del Servicio Público de transporte de Pasajeros en los Corredores Complementarios 1, 4, y 5 del Sistema Integrado de Transporte de Lima.

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These are the Terms of Reference for the concession of a Public Transportation Integrated System (SIT, by its acronym in Spanish) of Lima on 5 complementary corridors.

According to the TOR, the SIT issued guidelines relating to the priority inclusion of current operators. The list of current operators includes: authorized enterprises; vehicle owners, drivers and collectors.

Policy guideline regarding the incorporation of social, environmental, SME promotion and sustainable public procurement criteria on the region of Extremadura's procurement and the entities that conform its public sector (In Spanish)

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This general policy guideline for the Autonomous Community of Extremadura (Spain) aims to boost SEM sustainability and participation in public procurement of the region. Particularly, it establishes capacity building for SMEs to instruct them on how to access the public procurement processes and the different possibilities of temporary association to comply with financial requirements.

Related Information:

Law of Investment Projects and Service Provision of Jalisco State and its municipalities

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This law governs the public-private partnerships in infrastructure in Jalisco State, Mexico. The law indicates that in the evaluation of the bids, it may be possible to grant extra points to the bidder that foresees subcontracting SMEs for service provision.

Related Information:

Code Général des Collectivités Territoriales (French Law for Regional and Local Authorities)

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In France, PPPs can be concluded through several contractual forms: (i) public service delegations and (ii) partnership contracts.   Delegations of public services are classified as administrative contracts that can be concluded by public entities for the delivery of a service of public interest. There is no explicit legal definition of the various possible contractual forms - although four of them emerge from various texts and the practice and case law: concession (whereby the private party bears the financial burden associated to the initial cost of the infrastructure and to its maintenance, and operates at its own risk), lease (affermage - whereby the private party bears the financial burden associated to the maintenance of the infrastructure and operates at its own risk) and management contracts (régie - whereby a public authority delegates the management of a service but assumes all risks associated to it - participation to results is also possible) - and gérance (which is very close to régie although tariffs are fixed by the contracting authority). Partnership contracts refer to a method of financing of public infrastructure - whereby private parties will in principle be paid directly by the contracting public authority, not users. An overview is available on the website of the department of Isère.