Increasing Local Content in the Procurement of Infrastructure Projects in Low Income Countries

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This document from Engineers Against Poverty discusses several actions that can be taken in order to enable local development through infrastructure projects. It discusses how to promote local content as a policy objective and what steps can be given forward to a practical implementation of local content in infrastructure projects.

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Recommendations of the Working Group on Engineering SMEs –Vice Presidency of Colombia (Recomendaciones de la Mesa de Trabajo sobre PYMES de Ingenieria)

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This document summarizes the recommendations of a working group that the Colombian Vice-President Germán Vargas Lleras created - composed of the Colombian Chamber of Infrastructure, National Agency of Infrastructure, Road National Institute, and the Vice-presidency of Colombia - in order to devise public policies that boost and promote construction and consultant SMEs in Colombia's infrastructure development.

Decree 526 de 2015 - By means of which functions are assigned to comply with the provisions of District Decree 580 of 2014

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This decree aims to make efficient the subscription of the documents related to the economic right transfers to Bogota. Therefore, it rules that the following phases of this process, such as due notifications and compliance follow-up are now in charge of other agencies of the city.

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Decree 580 of 2014 - by which measures are directed towards the consolidation public transport through the Integrated Public Transport System of Bogotá D.C, i by integrating informal collective public transport to mass transportation

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This decree adopts measures that aim to improve the conditions of the transportation service provision and to decrease the implementation cost of the SITP. One of those measures is the creation of a special destination account whose funds will be used to accelerate the process of disintegration of vehicles previously used for public collective transportation. The owners of such vehicles are to transfer the economic rights of such vehicles to Bogota, in exchange for monetary consideration.

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Decreto 309 de 2009 - by which the Integrated System of Public Transportation (Sistema integrado de Transporte Público, SITP by its acronym in Spanish) is adopted for Bogota

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This decree sets a very important precedent for the incorporation of SMEs and previous operators new PPP projects. As an example, the Decree imposes democratization as a fundamental principle of the new transportation system roll-out. Specifically, it indicates that all the actions of the SITP implementation should aim to encourage the participation of the highest possible number of current owners of public transportation vehicles and drivers, such as through new operation contracts.

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