Constitución de la República
The mixed economy companies are provided for in the National Constitution of 1967, in its article 188.
The mixed economy companies are provided for in the National Constitution of 1967, in its article 188.
Joint Ventures and Industrial and Regional development Enterprises Taxation Regime Law 18/82
Website for Ministry of Housing, Construction and Sanitation in Peru.
Decree 1031 of 24 June 2008 - promotes the efficiency of the business activities of the State. It also provides the legal framework for joint ventures.
Decree 2336/57 - Law on the constitution of mixed economy joint stock companies
Article 461. Definition of the mixed economy company
Law 550 de 1999 - Statute on the Public Administration - La presente Ley regula el ejercicio de la función administrativa, determina la estructura y define los principios y reglas basicas de la organizacion y funcionamiento de la Administración Publica.
Law 489 of 1998 - Capitulo XIV - sociedades de economia mixtas - articulo 97 sociedades de economia mixta. (mixed economy companies)
Law 6.404/76 - Brazilian Corporation Law
The Constitution of the Federative Republic of Brazil (Constituição da República Federativa do Brasil) is the supreme law of Brazil.