Australia National Electricity Rules

The National Electricity Rules govern the operation of the National Electricity Market. The Rules have the force of law, and are made under the National Electricity Law. Copies of the National Electricity Rules are available for inspection at the AEMC's office in Sydney. The National Electricity Law can be found at the South Australian Legislation website.

Privatization Laws

Privatization is a transaction or series of transactions by which governments sell off all or part of an interest in a state owned asset.  It is often used in the context of state-owned businesses, which are first converted into corporations and undertake financial and operational restructuring to prepare them for sale.  Privatisation is therefore different from PPP as it is anticipated that public involvement in that particular business will cease or be diminished, as opposed to PPP where the government role continues throughout the PPP and in most cases the asset returns to government control on expiry or termination of the PPP.

Theft / Non-Technical Losses (Water and Electricity)

In response, various countries have taken a combination of legal and practical measures to address the problem. Given the essential nature of some utility services and the rampant extent of the problem, traditional courts may be reluctant to enforce the theft of utility services as a common theft offense. Some have enacted legislation specifically recognizing the theft of utility services as a separate criminal offense and in some cases establishing special administrative courts and judicial measures to enforce these new laws.

Public-Private Partnerships Laws / Concession Laws

While guidance and examples can be useful, each PPP/ concession law needs careful drafting to be consistent with the host country's existing laws. Legal draftsmen need to strike a balance between setting ground rules that encourage transparency and imposing general restrictions that may hinder bidding teams from achieving value for money or sensible solutions when bidding out PPP projects.