ToRs for Consultants to Assist in Establishment of a Public Private Partnership (PPP) Unit

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Since the outset of the economic crisis, changes in the economic profiles, the structure of government, and the  social fabric of [COUNTRY] have been dramatic. The country is struggling with these changes to adopt greater democratic practices, as well as more transparent process of decision making and higher levels of public participation in a decision making process. At the same time, GOV has been seeking ways to improve the economic climate and introducing the economy with policy initiatives that will increase investments, create jobs and lift the economic well being of its citizens.

ToRs for Consultant to Advise on Telecoms Law Reform (French)

Publication Year
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Le Gouvernement [PAYS] a récemment manifesté la volonté de réformer le secteur des postes et des télécommunications. Afin d'avancer dans ces réformes, le gouvernement a fait appel à la Banque mondiale pour que cette dernière l'assiste à identifier les meilleures options envisageables pour mener à bien la réforme

For more information about this sector, please visit Public–Private Partnerships in Telecommunications & ICT.