SFpark Pilot Program

The SFpark  pilot collected and distributed real-time information about where parking is available so drivers can quickly find open spaces. To help achieve the ideal level of parking availability, SFpark periodically adjusts meter and garage pricing up and down to match demand. Demand-responsive pricing encourages drivers to park in underused areas and garages, reducing demand in overused areas. Through SFpark, real-time data and demand-responsive pricing work together to readjust parking patterns in the City so that parking is easier to find.

InfraTech Stock Take of Use Cases

This paper serves as the reference note for the Stock Take of Use Cases and it supports the InfraTech Agenda by identifying InfraTech use cases in four quality infrastructure sectors (water, waste, energy and transport), identifying their benefits and how to use them. More specifically, the Stock Take identifies four key opportunities for InfraTech, which are:

Infratech Value Drivers

The 2020 G20 Presidency mandated the Infrastructure Working Group (IWG) to develop an agenda to accelerate the adoption and application of technology-enabled infrastructure (InfraTech). This agenda supports two existing IWG initiatives, the Roadmap to Infrastructure as an Asset Class, and the G20 Principles for Quality Infrastructure Investment (QII). Technology supports the roadmap by providing enhanced data, tools, and transparency for investors. In addition, it creates new investment opportunities by creating new markets, business models and potential for enhanced revenues.

Infratech Policy Toolkit

The 2020 G20 Presidency mandated the Infrastructure Working Group (IWG) to develop an agenda to accelerate the adoption and application of technology-enabled infrastructure (InfraTech). This agenda supports two existing IWG initiatives—the Roadmap to Infrastructure as an Asset Class, and the G20 Principles for Quality Infrastructure Investment (QII). Technology supports the roadmap by providing enhanced data, tools, and transparency for investors. In addition, it creates new investment opportunities by creating new markets, business models and potential for enhanced revenues.

G20 Riyadh InfraTech Agenda, Background

Previous G20 initiatives have highlighted the importance of infrastructure as a driver of economic prosperity and the basis for strong, sustainable, balanced, and inclusive growth and sustainable development. The Roadmap to Infrastructure as an Asset Class (Roadmap), endorsed by G20 Leaders in 2018, stressed the need to mobilize private capital to fill the infrastructure-financing gap. The importance of private-sector participation in infrastructure is even greater now because government fiscal space is severely constrained as a result of COVID-19.

Disruptive Technology Brings Risk and Opportunity to Infrastructure Projects

Once these innovative infrastructure assets become operational, they will likely include embedded technologies, such as the intelligent transportation systems (ITS) used on many highways and freeways. These incorporate a variety of technologies including Bluetooth, video, and other wireless systems to promote efficient traffic management, allow for toll tracking and billing, enhance emergency response times, and assist law enforcement. With the coming of autonomous vehicles, it’s likely that additional sensing technology will be needed to improve safety.