Title: InfraTech Stock Take of Use Cases

Language: English

Type: Document

Nature: Report

Published: July 1, 2020

Region: Global

Country: Global / Non-Specific

Keywords: Disruption and PPPs **

Document Link(s):

Document Summary:

The G20 has highlighted the importance of infrastructure as a driver of economic prosperity and the basis for strong, sustainable, balanced and inclusive growth and development. However, a persistent and wellrecognised infrastructure gap still remains. This has been addressed by the various G20 Presidencies – first in 2018 through the Roadmap to Infrastructure as an Asset Class and in 2019 through the Quality Infrastructure Investment (QII) Principles. In 2020, the G20 Presidency is developing an Agenda to accelerate the adoption of technology for infrastructure (InfraTech) that will help countries achieve better environmental, social and economic outcomes.

The need to close the infrastructure gap through the delivery of quality infrastructure and the implementation of InfraTech is greater now that it was before, as governments face increasing fiscal constraints due to the COVID-19 pandemic. While a global shift towards sustainable and resilient infrastructure was already in motion prior to COVID-19, it is now more crucial than ever that this is done (and done well) in light of new economic, social and political conditions.

Document Details:

This paper serves as the reference note for the Stock Take of Use Cases and it supports the InfraTech Agenda by identifying InfraTech use cases in four quality infrastructure sectors (water, waste, energy and transport), identifying their benefits and how to use them. More specifically, the Stock Take identifies four key opportunities for InfraTech, which are:

  1. Addressing the barriers to technology adoption
  2. Engaging with the private sector
  3. Supporting the advancement of Quality Infrastructure Investment (QII) principles
  4. Supporting the government’s response to COVID-19

Updated: December 27, 2023