Understanding Power Purchase Agreements

The Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) is the central contract for any independent power generation project, but can be especially critical in emerging markets. Although a prerequisite to the success of a power project, the PPA is only one aspect of a power sector transaction. Prior to any attempt to attract capital to a country, the host government and offtaker should work towards creating an enabling environment.

Financing PPP Projects with PVR Contracts: Theory and Evidence from the UK and Chile

Risk allocation is an essential component of a successful public-private partnership contract. For many of these projects, demand risk is large and mostly exogenous, which motivates considering contract designs that do not force the concessionaire to bear risk it cannot manage. In this paper we study present-valueof-revenue (PVR) contracts, which achieve this objective. Under a PVR contract, the regulator sets the discount rate and tariff schedule and frms compete on the present value of tariff revenue.

Public Private Partnerships in the EU: Widespread shortcomings and limited benefits

Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) harness both the public and the private sector to provide goods and services conventionally supplied by the public sector, while easing the tight budget constraints on public spending. We found that despite PPPs have the potential to achieve faster policy implementation and ensure good maintenance standards, the audited projects were not always effectively managed and did not provide adequate value for money.

IFC Technology Code of Conduct— Progression Matrix

The Progression Matrix is a tool that helps companies adopt the Technology Code of Conduct—a framework designed for IFC clients engaged in technology-intensive projects (see EM Compass Note 80). In this addendum to Note 80, the Matrix identifies technical and business practices that help companies put principles of sustainable technology into practice in a way consistent with their stage of financing and maturity, including emerging, later-stage, and mature companies.

Developing Artificial Intelligence Sustainably: Toward a Practical Code of Conduct for Disruptive Technologies

The adoption and diffusion of artificial intelligence and other disruptive technologies will play an important role in market creation and growth. Development finance institutions have a role to play in leveraging their investments to ensure that these technologies sustain both growth and development objectives. To this end, the authors propose adoption of a Technology Code of Conduct as a framework, supported by a set of practical tools for its operationalization, to assist IFC’s clients engaged in technology intensive projects.

Resetting price controls for privatized utilities: a manual for regulators

This manual describes the task that an economic regulator should undertake when revising the price control for a regulated company. The aim of regulation is to protect consumers, while ensuring that the company remains viable and has an incentive to operate efficiently. After an introduction in section 1, section 2 discusses the basic principle of price control regulation.

Just Transition for All: The World Bank Group’s Support to Countries Transitioning Away from Coal

The World Bank has decades of experience supporting countries where coal mines and power plants are closing, wherever they are in the transition process. This includes looking at the interdependencies between the decommissioning of coal assets—such as mining, transport, and power plants—and developing renewable energy programs to take their place. Since 1995, we have provided more than $3 billion to  support governments close coal mines and power plants and ensure a Just Transition that safeguards jobs and income in affected communities.