Challenges of Disruptive Technology

Alongside the benefits, the rapid change enabled by disruptive technologies is also bringing new uncertainties. Read below on the key challenges of disruptive technology for PPP infrastructure projects.

Disruptive Technology Opportunities

Disruptive technologies have the potential to integrate material, machine, and digital technologies across the infrastructure life cycle. Often referred to as InfraTech, they impact the development, delivery and ongoing operation of infrastructure, and create new opportunities for infrastructure service delivery that can benefit users, providers and societies alike.

Infrastructure PPPs Impacted by Disruptive Technology

How are infrastructure PPPs impacted by disruptive technology? The changes prompted by technological innovation will have many positive effects for PPP infrastructure projects and the economy at large but will also present challenges. 

Disruptive Technology, Infrastructure and PPPs

What Is Disruptive Technology?

Technological developments have always transformed lives and disrupted old ways of doing things. Older technologies, like the telephone, developed gradually, over decades. In contrast, new technologies, like the cell phone, scale with ever-increasing speed across the global economy. Often a few different new technologies (e.g., artificial intelligence, IoT, 3D printing, robotics) come together to create something entirely new.

Executive Summary for Disruption and PPPs

“To improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often.” —Winston Churchill

This report examines how disruptive technologies impact public-private partnership (PPP) infrastructure; what this means for the management of existing PPP contracts; and how better partnerships can be created—ones that are more resilient to such changes, as well as flexible enough to encourage collaboration between the public and private sectors in order to allow implementation of innovative technologies.