Managing public utilities with small private operators - SCPPPs are not a minor matter

Publication Year
Publication Year
IRT Vehicle


Small Scale PPP Session: Managing public utilities with small private operators - SCPPPs are not a minor matter, power point presentation by Paloma Bernal Turnes, October 2015. 


Related Information: 

LJD Week 2014

Public-Private Partnership Laws and Concession Laws


Tracking Number: 

LJD Week_SSCPPPs_Turnes_EN.ppt

Airport BOT & Concession Agreements – Legal and Regulatory Issues Checklist

Publication Year


A list that highlights the key legal issues considered in relation to Airport Concessions , covering both due diligence issues regarding the host country’s laws, as well as commercial and regulatory considerations.


Resource Financed Infrastructure: A Discussion on a New Form of Infrastructure Financing

Publication Year


Resource Financed Infrastructure: A Discussion on a New Form of Infrastructure Financing by Håvard Halland, John J. Beardsworth, Bryan C. Land and James A. Schmidt, World Bank study supported by Public-Private Infrastructure Facility (PPIAF) September 2014.