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Identifying/Screening Projects for PPP Implementation: Afghanistan

Afghanistan, like many developing countries, has been seeking ways to develop and improve infrastructure within the framework of limited fiscal capabilities. In recent years, the World Bank Group has been working with the Government of Afghanistan on increasing private participation in infrastructure. Public-private partnerships are increasingly seen as a means to harness private innovation and finance while the government maintains ultimate ownership and insurance of the public interest.

TOR Toolkit – DMA Rollout

This TOR is one of four designed to produce innovative types of NRW Reduction Contracts. The TORs are designed to be used as part of an NRW-reduction project being implemented in accordance with the NRW Manual. It is assumed that the consultant will be engaged after an Initial Assessment (and if needed, a Field Assessment) of the utility and relevant networks have been completed (see Section 5 of the Manual).

An Attractive Environment: The Netherlands Approach to Identifying/Screening PPP Projects

The Netherlands has a rich history of private participation in the development of its public infrastructure, dating back to the country’s beginnings in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. However, the idea of formalized PPP immigrated to the Dutch political establishment in the 1980s from the United Kingdom’s experimentation with private finance initiatives. As a solution to the country’s budgetary woes, the Dutch government attempted PPP for a couple of tunnel projects at the end of the decade.

Preventing Renegotiation, Fostering Efficiency

Lawyers usually say that “the best contract is the one you never have to pull out of the drawer”—a view that focuses on trust, common understanding, and mutual advantages. And then they will add that PPP contracts, even with the best government–business relationship, are a bit more complex. That’s because they are based on incentive mechanisms that require not only regular monitoring, but also some degree of cooperation and a modicum of strategic management—the three components of PPP contract management.

Principles of Infrastructure: Case Studies and Best Practices

Infrastructure is a priority around the world for all stakeholders. Infrastructure projects can continue for several years, from planning and construction to the provision of services. As development in Asia and the Pacific accelerates, governments must invest more in infrastructure to ensure continued economic growth. This book draws on lessons and case studies from Japan and worldwide, covering broad and long-term infrastructure projects.

The Multilateral Project Preparation and Tracking Platform

New structure of SOURCE templates integrating :

  1. UK’s 5 Case model recently endorsed by the G20 SIF is a delegate at the G20 and participate to the work of the LTI and IWG

  2. IaDB’s Sustainable Infrastructure Criteria

  3. GIF Project Readiness Assessment (PRA)

  4. APMG PPP Guide’s approach : collaboration with Richard Foster

  5. World Bank PPPI Database and benchmarking reports

  6. Knowledge products from OECD PPP Principles