Mini Grids for Half a Billion People: Market Outlook and Handbook for Decision Makers

The report is the most comprehensive study on mini grids to date. It takes stock of the global mini grid market and industry; analyzes in detail the solar-hybrid mini grid costs and technological innovations; shows the importance of introducing income-generating machinery and micro-finance early in the planning process; and provides policy makers, investors and developers with insights on how mini grids can be scaled up.

World Bank Toolkit (2006) - Approaches to Private Participation in Water Services

Many governments have reformed their utilities without private participation through restructuring, technical assistance, appointment of new board members and managers, development-agency assistance, and so forth. For example, the water utility serving Phnom Penh, Cambodia, has achieved considerable success through such means. Parts of this Toolkit, including the approach to stakeholder consultation, setting upstream policy, and defining service standards, tariffs, and subsidies may be useful to governments contemplating reforms within the public sector.

World Bank Toolkits/Concessions for Infrastructure

This report is not a step-by-step guide on how to negotiate concessions. Nor is it an attempt to identify model contracts or clauses. Rather, it aims at helping policymakers and their  advisers to better understand some of the most important and difficult issues related to the design, award, implementation, monitoring, and modification of concessions. Here, we broadly define concessions as any arrangements in which a firm obtains from the government the right to provide a particular service under conditions of significant market power.

Toolkit for Public-Private Partnerships in Urban Bus Transport - Maharashtra India

Terms sheets are provided for (a) cost-plus contracts and net-cost contracts (typically lease contracts) where the private sector owns, operates and maintains the buses while the public authority collects the revenue, (b) licensing contracts (typically operation & maintenance contracts) where the buses are owned by the public authority and the private party operates and maintains the buses and collect the revenue, and (c) a bus depot contract (DBO) as well as (d) a monorail operation and maintenance contract.  

Asian Development Bank, 2011.

South Africa’s Good Waste Management Practices Toolkit – Lessons Learned

The current poor state of waste service delivery by South African municipalities is a concern due to the potential impacts on human health and the environment. All municipalities are faced with similar challenges including lack of funding, low priority afforded to waste management and capacity problems to deliver services, although to different degrees. Despite this rather discouraging situation, certain municipalities have managed to overcome some of these challenges and good waste management practices are to be found.

Public Private Partnership Toolkit - PPIAF, the World Bank and AusAID

The PPP Toolkit is a web-based resource that has been designed to help improve decision-making for infrastructure PPPs in India and to improve the quality of the PPPs that are developed. The Toolkit is for use by PPP practitioners across India in both the public and private sectors. It has been designed with a focus on helping decision-making by Project Officers at the Central, State and Municipal levels. Other users, including PPP practitioners in the private sectors, will also find the material useful.

Toolkit for Public-Private Partnership in Urban Water Supply for the State of Maharashtra

The project aims to identify and develop PPP structures which can be implemented in the water supply and sanitation sector for the cities of Maharashtra. As a part of this TA, various possible PPP structures in the water supply and sanitation sector were studied, and the applicability of these structures assessed in the context of the sample cities. The project aimed to develop term sheets for those PPP structures, which are identified as most suitable and feasible for implementation.

Wales Community Renewable Energy Toolkit

This Toolkit aims to support planners, developers, consultants and other interested parties with planning policies which require renewable energy in new developments or major refurbishments. It gives an insight into the cost benefit analysis of installing renewables, information on successful case studies and suggestions on how problems can be overcome. This Toolkit was prepared by the Welsh Government’s Renewable Energy Support Service.