PPP Unit Canada

Infrastructure Canada is a Government of Canada department responsible for public infrastructure in the country. Infrastructure BC is owned by the Province of British Columbia and Infrastructure Ontario (IO) supports the Ontario government’s initiatives to modernize and maximize the value of public infrastructure and real estate.

Canadian Council for PPPs (CCPPP) is a national not-for-profit non-partisan, member-based organization with broad representation from across the public and private sectors. 

Proven Delivery Models for LED Public Lighting: Joint Procurement Delivery Model Case Study Ontario, Canada

The Province of Ontario, in east-central Canada, consists of 444 municipalities and represents 13.6 million residents, or more than one-third of Canada’s population. Roughly two-thirds of these municipalities are small, containing fewer than 10,000 residents and fewer than 2,500 streetlights (luminaires); about 100 of the municipalities are mid-sized; and 41 are large municipalities of 50,000 residents or more.

Standing Offer Program by BC Hydro

The Standing Offer Program (SOP) encourages the development of small clean or renewable electricity projects (over 100 kW up to and including 15 MW). It offers small-scale clean energy projects in British Columbia the opportunity to enter into energy purchase agreements (EPAs) with BC Hydro. An EPA requires the project developer to sell all energy from the project to BC Hydro for a term of 20 to 40 years commencing on commercial operation date (COD).