Laos PDR Power Purchase Agreement (“PPA”) for the Xayaburi Dam Project

Key features of the Power Purchase Agreement (“PPA”) for the Xayaburi Dam Project:

  • Regulatory risk – the project company assumes the responsibility for obtaining all the necessary approvals and consents required from Laotian authorities for the project. EGAT only assumes limited responsibility for obtaining required regulatory approvals and consents.

PPP Unit Lao PDR

The Investment Promotion Department (IPD) is the first stop for providing information on the investment process in Laos. The IPD's primary functions include: promoting Laos as an investment destination, offering investment incentives, screening investment proposals, correcting investment data, and monitoring investment practices. 

National Strategy on Climate Change of Lao PDR

With around 70% of the Lao population relying on subsistence agriculture for their livelihoods, climate change effects, such as unpredictable rains and extended dry seasons, will have a significant impact on the lives of people across the country.

Lao PDR is not a major contributor to climate change but is likely to be disproportionably affected. The country is concerned about the serious consequences of climate change to its economic development, human capacity, poverty reduction and environment sustainability.

Lao People's Democratic Republic Energy Sector Assessment, Strategy, and Road Map

This sector assessment, strategy, and road map (ASR) reviews the state of the energy sector of the Lao People’s Democratic Republic (Lao PDR). Consistent with the government’s plans and strategy, the ASR proposes supportive actions for the energy sector to be taken by the Asian Development Bank (ADB) during 2019–2022. It also provides sector background information, which will be updated as needed for investment and technical assistance operations. The ASR is a working paper based on a systematic review of the Lao PDR’s energy sector and consultations with the government and other development partners.