Energy-Efficient Street Lighting PPPs

Street lighting is an essential public service typically provided by public authorities at the sub-national and municipal level. Cities are increasingly investing in energy-efficient street lighting systems to replace or enhance their outdated systems. While reliable and bright public lighting reduces accidents and crime and allows for economic activity after sunset, modern energy-efficient street-lighting technology can also lower energy consumption as well as operation and maintenance costs significantly. Many different models have been developed world wide to deliver energy-efficient street lighting projects, including public-private partnerships. This section looks at sample contracts, bidding documents, policies, laws and regulations, and other tools related to street lighting projects.

Gender & Water and Sanitation Projects

Water and sanitation projects that take gender differences into account can play a significant role in improving the health, education, social, economic, and overall well-being of women and girls and their communities. In many cultures women and girls bear, for example, the primary responsibility for collecting water for food preparation, drinking, bathing, washing and are the main caregivers for children, sick and elderly family members. Improved access to clean water and sanitation facilities located at a convenient distance from home can play an important role for the quality of life and safety of women and children and other vulnerable community members. Gender-responsive water and sanitation projects can also promote economic empowerment since they allow in particular women and girls to use time saved for more productive activities that can lead to increased financial independence.

Gender & Transport Projects

Integrating Gender Across the PPP Project Cycle

Multinational Development Banks (MDBs) as well as bilateral and national development banks and many other leading development organizations have a growing commitment to finance and support infrastructure projects and programs that incorporate gender considerations. They have developed a number of guidelines, practical tools, policies, and manuals that are based on best practice and aim to facilitate a gender-inclusive approach.

Gender & Energy Projects

Integrating Gender Across the PPP Project Cycle

Multinational Development Banks (MDBs) as well as bilateral and national development banks and many other leading development organizations have a growing commitment to finance and support infrastructure projects and programs that incorporate gender considerations. They have developed a number of guidelines, practical tools, policies, and manuals that are based on best practice and aim to facilitate a gender-inclusive approach.

Sector-Specific Materials

The extent to and way in which gender considerations could be incorporated into the design and implementation of an infrastructure project to promote gender inclusion depend at least to some degree on the specific infrastructure sector.

The links below lead to sector-specific resources, as well as international policy and guidance documents that include a gender perspective into infrastructure projects. They were mainly developed for traditionally financed infrastructure projects but are also useful resources for public-private partnerships (PPPs).