PPIAF Annual Report 2019

This year’s annual report highlights the ways PPIAF's work has contributed to the SDGs, both directly and indirectly. All PPIAF's work supports Goal 8, to promote sustained, inclusive, and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment, and decent work for all. It also feeds directly into Goal 9, which calls for building resilient infrastructure. These two goals go hand in hand. But we also address other SDGs.

Le soutien du PPIAF à l’amélioration de la solvabilité de la ville de Dakar

Depuis 2008, le programme infranational d’assistance technique (SNTA, Sub-national Technical Assistance) du Fonds fi duciaire de conseils en infrastructure publique-privée (PPIAF) soutient la Ville de Dakar à obtenir des financements pour développer ses infrastructures. Ce soutien a débuté dans le cadre de l’évaluation de la gestion des fi nances publiques municipales (PEFA - Public Expenditure and Financial Accountability1).

PPIAF Supports the Belize Municipal Development Project and Revenue Enhancement Support Program

In 2012, PPIAF partnered with the World Bank to engage with the Government of Belize to help them improve and maintain municipal service delivery in selected towns through the Municipal Development Project. PPIAF’s technical assistance support helped to initiate the development of the Revenue Enhancement Support Program, to assist the municipalities in enhancing the capacity of municipal finance management and improving creditworthiness.

PPIAF Annual Report 2015

In 2015, PPIAF’s work focused on developing strategic engagements that seek to leverage PPIAF resources with partnerships for greater effects . Programmatic technical assistance (TA) is a sequence of activities designed to tackle multiple aspects of the enabling environment in a country, region or sector over the course of one or more years, to achieve more wide-ranging objectives; strategic knowledge initiatives, on the other hand, use the same partnership principles to leverage knowledge resources to tackle a global learning question .

The State of Infrastructure Public-Private Partnerships in Countries Affected by Fragility, Conflict or Weak Institutions

Fragility, conflict, violence, and weak institutions are critical development challenges that haveaffected many countries. Using a set of outcome indicators, a total of 61 countries have beenidentified for this paper as an “Expanded list of Fragile and Conflict-Affected States.”

L’autoroute à péage Dakar-Diamniadio au Sénégal: une opération pionnière appuyée par le PPIAF

En 2009, le Fonds de conseils en infrastructure publique-privée (PPIAF) a soutenu le gouvernement du Sénégal dans la réalisation du premier projet PPP d’autoroute à péage en Afrique de l’ouest. Ce projet est fondamental pour le développement de la région de Dakar qui concentre 80% de l’activité économique du pays et 25% de sa population. L’autoroute reliant Dakar à Diamniadio permet aujourd’hui à deux millions de Sénégalais, vivant à Dakar et dans les villes environnantes, de bénéfi cier d’avantages sociaux et économiques importants.

PPIAF Annual Report 2017

With the close of FY17, we completed our 2015–2017 Strategy period, giving us the opportunity to look back and analyze long-term trends in regards to our mandate and strategy targets.

This report provides the reader with a qualitative cross-section of the breadth and width of PPIAF’sportfolio of activities, with snapshots of specific outcomes and achievements to illustrate the impact of our work as we help developing countries create an enabling environment for private sector participation in infrastructure.

The Importance of Managing Unsolicited Proposals in Infrastructure

When the sums involved are big, for example, in large infrastructure projects, transparency in government procurement becomes even more critical. Unsurprisingly, competitive bidding is considered best practice in most countries, not only in the public sector but also for corporations and institutions such as the World Bank Group.

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