Model Tender for implementation of 500 MW Grid Connected Rooftop SPV

In a RESCO model the bidders intend to take a rooftop owned by some other entity on mutually agreed terms and conditions including lease agreement from the roof top owner(s) and enters into the PPA with a rooftop owner/DISCOM /others for supply of solar power by 25 year at a tariff as per RfS from the date of Commissioning of project. Under the “CAPEX Model” the bidder enters into an agreement with the rooftop owner at the quoted project cost as per RfS for the Scope of work not limited to that indicated in the RfS as per mutually agreed terms and conditions.

SMEs and PPPs

Among the many benefits that PPPs can bring, PPPs can build local capacity and expertise (resulting in more cost efficiencies), encourage increased competition, and create opportunities for broader economic growth. To enjoy such benefits, involving small and medium enterprises (SMEs)* in PPPs is key.