Victorian Industry Participation Policy (VIPP) Model Clauses for Request for Tender and Contract documents

These sample provisions are for use by the public sector in tender documents and contracts where the Victorian Industry Participation Policy (VIPP)is applicable. They are not meant to be followed exactly, but to be adjusted according to the needs of the specific circumstances.

The model clauses cover several aspects of in projects such standard VIPP projects or those that have been categorized as strategic by the policy. This document for instance:

Public-Private Partnership in Irrigation - Invitation to Bid

The private partner would operate and manage and further develop the infrastructure to ensure (1) the area is fully irrigated within six (6) years of the date of signature of the contract; and (2) that at least 25% of the irrigated land is available for small farmers, who should be integrated into the production chain of the commercial producers that would occupy the remainder of the land. The private partner will be remunerated for the sale of water (through user tariffs) and a capacity payment by the government.

Pontal (Brazil) Irrigation Concession Agreement - Invitation to Bid (English)

The private partner would operate and manage and further develop the infrastructure to ensure (1) the area is fully irrigated within six (6) years of the date of signature of the contract; and (2) that at least 25% of the irrigated land is available for small farmers, who should be integrated into the production chain of the commercial producers that would occupy the remainder of the land. The private partner will be remunerated for the sale of water (through user tariffs) and a capacity payment by the government.

Instructions for solid waste collection, St. Lucia


(1) These INSTRUCTIONS TO TENDERERS are part of and are to be read in conjunction
with all other Sections of the Tender Documents.
(2) Their purpose is to inform Tenderers of the proper practices which must be adopted to
satisfy the requirements of St Lucia Solid Waste Management Authority (SLSWMA) for
the submission of Tenders and award of Contract. Deviations from these practices may
result in the offered Tender being rejected.
(3) The INSTRUCTIONS TO TENDERERS are printed in English. Queries regarding