Asociaciones Público Privadas (APPs) en el Peru

Dentro del conjunto de modalidades en las que el sector privado colabora con el sector público en la provisión de los servicios públicos, las Asociaciones Público Privadas (APPs) tienen un cariz especial.

En los proyectos recientes de APP en el Perú se conjuga el aprendizaje acumulado en los últimos veinte años, en lo que se refiere a contrataciones públicas, contratos de gerencia, privatizaciones y concesiones, subsidios a la demanda, etc., tanto en países desarrollados como en vías de desarrollo.

WSS Working Notes No.11: Taking Account of the Poor in Water Sector Regulation

Sophie Trémolet

Catherine Hunt


Regulatory frameworks can have a decisive influence on making water and sanitation services more accessible to the poor and on giving service providers the right incentives to serve them. In some cases, however, existing regulatory frameworks may introduce obstacles to serving the poor rather than provide an environment conducive to extending service. This note seeks to provide practical guidance on how regulatory frameworks can be designed and implemented in a way that is more

National Government Agency Public-Private Partnership Manual (Draft)

For a complete set of the Public-Private Partnership manual, visit the website.

- Volume 1: PPP Overview, Identification, Selection, Prioritization, Preparation of a PPP Project

- Volume 2: Project Tendering and Negotiations

- Volume 3: Contract Management

- Volume 4: Annexes

Related Information: 

Mainstreaming Gender in Infrastructure Projects

Draft Rural Electrification Fund Operational Manual: Governance

The governance / management structure of the REF, is composed of three layers:

(i) The Board of Directors of REF, called the Rural Electrification Board, REB provides the strategic management for REF-operations.

(ii) The Executive Director of the REF-Secretariat is in charge of operational management; while the REF- Payments Agent, under contract with REB, administers the disbursement of REF-subsidy payments to supported projects.

Technical Note 7: How to Achieve Design Quality in PFI Projects

Technical Note 7: How to Achieve Design Quality in PFI Projects

This note is the seventh in a series of papers to be issued by the Treasury Taskforce providing practical guidance on key technical issues which arise from the implementation of the Private Finance Initiative (PFI). Each note focuses on a specific area of the procurement process where experience has shown that project managers would value assistance. It has been endorsed by the Commission for Architecture and the Built Environment, the Construction Industry Council and the National Audit Office.