Executive Summary: Guidelines for Asset Recycling

Governments around the world are increasingly looking at improving the quality of infrastructure and delivering improved services to the community. Infrastructure investment is crucial to the on-going economic prosperity and development of any country. For most countries, to meet the substantial infrastructure investment capital needed to fund an infrastructure program, there is a need to unlock multiple sources of funding to ensure that current developmental momentum can be sustained.  

Infrastructure Challenges and How PPPs Can Help

Infrastructure is critical for economic development, reducing poverty and inequality, creating jobs, and ensuring environmental sustainability. Infrastructure generates high social returns and is welfare enhancing. Governments are ultimately responsible for the provision of public services and the infrastructure required for their delivery. Infrastructure investment is often part of the social compact between a government and its citizens.

Climate-Smart PPP Legal and Regulatory Framework

As public finance is limited, private investment and expertise, including infrastructure finance through PPP models, will play an essential role. This means that national policies and programs must be put in place that integrate climate change considerations and remove barriers to and facilitate large-scale private investment in climate-smart mitigation and adaptation infrastructure, including PPP legislation and policies.