

APP de Proyectos Municipales de Residuos Sólidos

Recientemente, se ha visto una tendencia en países en desarrollo de la participación del sector privado en el sector de los residuos sólidos urbanos, en parte impulsada por estándares más estrictos del medio ambiente y el reconocimiento de que el sector privado puede desempeñar un papel importante en la mejora de los problemas ambientales y de higiene en la recolección de desechos sólidos y su eliminación. Estas tendencias se deben en parte a los siguientes factores:

The Municipal Public-Private Partnership Framework - Module 17: Capturing Commercial Value

PPP can provide a useful mechanism to mobilize commercial revenues to fund public services. To replace some or all of the public funding that would otherwise be needed to make a project viable, the project can generate commercial revenues. Such commercial revenues can be mobilized for many PPP projects, alongside or linked to public services. 

Municipal Public-Private Partnership Framework

The Municipal PPP Framework is a tool developed specifically for local governments to help them understand and implement PPPs, keeping in mind their characteristics, needs and challenges. The Framework is inspired by best practices from PPPs around the world adjusted to be most relevant for municipal PPP, easy to use, practical and better aligned to the capacities and capabilities of local government.

What do mothers-in-law and national PPP structures have in common?

Most PPP structures are focused on national interests, governed by national laws, and coordinated by national PPP units and funding structures. This desire to define and control is often driven by the national government’s need to access new sources of funding, to deliver infrastructure with more efficiency (reducing costs and pressure on the budget), and to protect the national budget from the contingent risks associated with PPP projects. It makes sense, then, that the national government establishes the governance structure around PPPs.

