Accelerating the PPP Process and Reducing Costs: The Recommended PPP Contractual Provisions Initiative

All of the parties involved in public-private partnership (PPP) transactions – including both governments and project developers – frequently express concern over the time and expense involved in creating the legal agreements that are at the center of every PPP project. Everyone recognizes the importance of PPP contracts, since they are the documents that set out how the partnership will work – but there are constant calls for making the contractual drafting process quicker and less expensive.

Concession Agreements

The right to use tracks during a defined term can also be part of a concession (or franchise) agreement. These agreements usually combine construction, maintenance and operation of a railway network and involve major investment.

Procurement Processes and Bidding Documents

Where PPP projects involve funding from the World Bank, then the World Bank Procurement Guidelines and Procedures will apply. This section also includes useful template bidding documents.

Joint Ventures / Government Shareholding in Project Company

This section does not focus on the relationship between consortium members bidding on a project where they may decide to form a special purpose company, although the issues covered in the Joint Venture Checklist and the Joint Development Agreement Termsheet. See also Sources of Financing. It explores key issues to consider when establishing joint ventures.