Example of an Alternative Dispute Resolution Clause

The Parties will attempt in good faith to resolve any dispute or claim arising out of or in relation to this Agreement through negotiations between a director of each of the Parties with authority to settle the relevant dispute.

Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs) and Energy Purchase Agreements (EPAs)

A Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) secures the payment stream for a Build-Own Transfer (BOT) or concession project for an independent power plant (IPP). It is between the purchaser "offtaker" (often a state-owned electricity utility) and a privately owned power producer.  The PPA outlined here is not appropriate for electricity sold on the world spot markets (see Deregulated Electricity Markets below). This summary is focused on a base load thermal plant (the issues would differ slightly for mid-range or peaking thermal or hydro plants).

Energy and Power PPPs

Overview of existing energy laws and regulations in different countries, PPP toolkits, sample laws and licenses, Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs), implementation agreements, concession agreements and more.