Allocating Risks in Public-Private Partnerships

As part of its ‘leading practices’ mandate, the GI Hub is developing a set of annotated risk allocation matrices for public-private partnership (PPP) transactions, in a variety of sectors. Risk allocation is at the centre of every PPP transaction, and a deep understanding of the risk allocation arrangements is a precondition to the drafting of every PPP agreement. The appropriate application of risk allocation principles is what determines whether a given PPP project will be ‘bankable’ (i.e. financeable), and whether it will be long-lasting (i.e.

Asignación de riesgo en contratos de Asociación Público-Privada (PPP Risk Allocation Tool)

El GI Hub ha contratado a Norton Rose Fulbright, una firma global de abogados, para preparar un informe sobre la Asignación de Riesgo en Contratos de Asociación Público-Privados (APP), versión 2016 (el Informe), con matrices que muestran la asignación de riesgo entre los sectores público y privado en transacciones APP típicas, conjuntamente con información relacionada sobre medidas de mitigación y arreglos característicos de soporte gubernamental. Se desarrollaron matrices separadas para 12 tipos designados de proyectos en los sectores de transporte, energía y agua y saneamiento.

政府和社会资本合作风险分配(Allocating Risks in Public-Private Partnerships)

作为“领先实践”工作的一部分,GIH与Norton Rose Fulbright(一家全球律师事务所)合作编制政府和社会资本合作(PPP)合同风险分配报告(2016版),报告所述矩阵展示了典型PPP交易中政府和社会资本之间的风险分配以及缓解措施,以及典型的政府支持安排,并且专门为运输、能源及供水与卫生行业的12个特定项目类型编制了独立矩阵。


全球基础建设中心(GI Hub),总部位于澳大利亚悉尼市,是由二十国集团成立、负责制订全球投资发展战略的组织机构。全球基础设施中心主要使命之一是将“先进经验”应用于高质量的基础设施投资活动中,包括项目鉴定、文件编制以及材料采购的指导文书的编制及出版发行。













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Restoring Confidence in Public–Private Partnerships: Reforming Risk Allocation and Creating More Collaborative PPPs

A global decline in PPP transactions has been observed in recent years despite the critical need for investments in various sectors, particularly in infrastructure development. Among reasons identified for the loss of confidence in PPPs are approaches taken in PPP contracts to risk allocation and dispute resolution. This brief recommends incremental reforms to current PPP contracting practices, incorporating various alternative arrangements and taking into account the associated governance challenges.

Selected Good Practices for Risk Allocation and Mitigation in Infrastructure in APEC Economies

Infrastructure investment gaps impose fundamental impediments on sustainable economic growth and social development across developing countries in the APEC region. With real GDP increasing from 16 trillion USD in 1989 to 20 trillion USD in 2015, the region has outperformed global growth generating 59% of worldwide GDP and 50% of global trade (APEC, 2017). The 21 APEC economies represent half of the world’s population building a young and dynamic workforce and creating a large demand for infrastructure.