England and Wales: Offer Draft Standard Licence Conditions for Generation (2000)

This document is a working draft of the standard licence conditions for generators of electricity which it is proposed that the Secretary of State will introduce under the terms of the Utility Bill. Ofgem wishes to make clear that this is a draft in development and not a legally binding document. In this draft, the contents of Part I give context to the licence conditions, although they are themselves draft terms of an electricity generation licence and are not part of the standard conditions per se.

Guidelines for submission of application for services-based operations licence

The Singapore telecommunication services market was fully liberalised from 1 April 2000. As required under the Telecommunications Act (Cap. 323), any person operating and providing telecommunication systems and services in Singapore has to be licensed. 1.2 The Info-communications Media Development Authority (the “Authority”) has adopted a two-pronged licensing approach that differentiates between licensees based on the nature of their operations i.e. whether facilities-based or services-based type of operations.