China's Law on Evaluation of Environmental Effects

The Environmental Impact Assessment Law (环境影响评价法).
(officially known as Law of the People's Republic of China on Evaluation of Environmental Effects)

This law is part of China's national laws on Resource and the Environment and is relevant to the structuring of PPP projects in China.


For more information about this sector, please visit Public–Private Partnerships in Clean Technology.

England and Wales - article on Transfer of Undertakings Regulations (TUPE)

Tupe protects employees’ rights on business transfers in the UK. Tupe itself is based on the Acquired Rights Directive. As a result, its application is influenced not only by UK case law but also by decisions of the ECJ. This guide summarises when Tupe applies and its consequences for both employer and employee.



Ref: England and Wales - article on Transfer of Undertakings Regulations

India Committee on Infrastructure - Overview of Model Concession Agreement (MCA)

Besides all the advantages associated with such a document, this would also enhance the possibilities of securing up to 20 per cent of the capital costs by way of viability gap grants from the Central Government coupled with long-term debt from the India Infrastructure Finance Company (IIFC) for funding up to 20 per cent of the project costs.

World Bank Toolkits/Concessions for Infrastructure

This report is not a step-by-step guide on how to negotiate concessions. Nor is it an attempt to identify model contracts or clauses. Rather, it aims at helping policymakers and their  advisers to better understand some of the most important and difficult issues related to the design, award, implementation, monitoring, and modification of concessions. Here, we broadly define concessions as any arrangements in which a firm obtains from the government the right to provide a particular service under conditions of significant market power.