PPP Contract Types and Terminology

This section describes in more detail the range of PPP contract types under the definition of PPP used in this Reference Guide; and some of the more common terminology used globally to describe PPPs.

What is a PPP: Defining "Public-Private Partnership"

This section fleshes out this definition with more detail, describing PPP contract types (PPP Contract Types and Terminology), the terminology used to describe them; and clarifying related types of partnership between public and private sector parties to which the definition and guidance material in this Reference Guide would generally not apply (What PPP is Not: Other Types of Private Involvement).

Transportation PPP Toolkits

Find toolkits on a wide range of transportation PPPs, including resources for legislators, PPP structuring, ports, railways, roads and highways, and urban passenger transport.

Concessions Build-Operate-Transfer (BOT) and Design-Build-Operate (DBO) Projects

Concessions, Build-Operate-Transfer (BOT) Projects, and Design-Build-Operate (DBO) Projects are types of public-private partnerships that are output focused. BOT and DBO projects typically involve significant design and construction as well as long term operations, for new build (greenfield) or projects involving significant refurbishment and extension (brownfield). See below for definitions of each type of agreement, as well as key features and examples of each. This page also includes links to checklists, toolkits, and sector-specific PPP information.