PPP Insights: Compulsory Acquisition of Land and Compensation in Infrastructure Projects

An important dimension of evolving law and practice relates to the deployment of government taking powers in respect of public-private partnerships (PPPs). The extent to which private end-users of property should be allowed to be beneficiaries of compulsory government land acquisition has long been an issue, and national laws vary in how they define and circumscribe the potential involvement of the private sector.

Land Acquisition and Compensation Plan for 230kV Transmission Line from NNP1 Main Powerhouse to Nabong Substation

The Land Acquisition and Compensation Plan–Transmission Line (LACP-T/L) guides the Project on how to implement Land Acquisition and corresponding Compensation of Project Affected People (PAPs) along national and international standards, following the procedures developed in the Project’s Resettlement and Ethnic Development Plan (REDP).