Desalination Plant for Victoria, Australia

PPP Desalination Project - Project deed and ancillary documents with summaries for the design, construction finance and operation of a seawater desalination plant, 85 km transfer pipeline, delivery of power supply for the project, operations and maintenance, and the purchase of renewable energy credits. The state has contracted with the consortium AquaSure to deliver all aspects of the project. AquaSure has engaged other contractors to design, construct, operate and maintain the plant and the associated infrastructure.

Managing Contingent Liabilities in Public- Private Partnerships - Practice in Australia, Chile, and South Africa

Governments that use public-private partnerships (PPPs) to build infrastructure usually assume contingent liabilities relating, for example, to early contract termination or to debt and revenue guarantees. Deciding whether to assume these liabilities and, if so, determining how to value, monitor, and limit them is difficult for most governments. This report describes how governments in Australia, Chile, and South Africa have tackled these problems, and discusses whether other governments, including those with less administrative capacity, should adopt similar practices.


A Governance Guide to the Victorian Water Industry

This Guide provides an overview of the governance framework surrounding the water industry and an introduction to the legislation, ministers, government departments and regulators that play a role in the management of Victorian water.

Although not an alternative to reading and understanding the relevant legislation, this Guide provides a framework for navigating through the regulatory system and a useful induction tool for newcomers to the industry.


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