Empresas Mixtas

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Empresas mixtas (mixed ownership enterprise) is a type of legal entity that receives financial funding from both a private company as well as a government –at a country, city or municipal level, hence the term a mix enterprise. This form of public-private partnership (PPP) is commonly used in civil law countries, particularly in the water sector.
This is a form of Joint Venture and the same issues raised in respect of Joint Ventures are relevant here.
For a general discussion of empresas mixtas see Mixed Private-Public Ownership Companies “Empresa Mixta". This review of the empresa mixta model was undertaken to better understand its structure, applicability and strength in mitigating risks in the water and sanitation sector. The last two decades have provided many lessons on empresas mixtas, particularly in Latin America.
Below is a list of laws that present the legal framework for “empresas mixtas” in several countries in Latin America. These laws undertake the sectors of water, energy, transportation, clean technology and telecommunications. This page also includes additional information such as studies and analysis of the general legal framework.Examples Legal Frameworks for / Examples of Empresas Mixtas
Decreto 15.349/46 on mixed economy enterprises and Decreto 20705/1974 on State Companies were repealed by Decreto 70/2023, which implement a new framework for empresas mixtas.
Paper Las Sociedades de Economía Mixta y las Empresas del Estado en la Legislación Argentina" provides a historical perspective. Brazil
Brazilian Constitution: "Sociedades de Economia Mista" financial fiscalization articles 70, and 71, II, creation by law article 37, XIX, legal framework article 173, § 1º, creation of subsidiary enterprise article 37, XX, infrastructure and provision service concessions article 22, XXVII.
Decreto-lei 200/67
Lei 6.404/76Colombia
Law 489/98, capitulo XIV - sociedades de economia mixtas
Law 550/99
Commerce Code article 461, titulo VIICosta Rica
Costa Rica does not have specific legal Framework related to "Empresas Mixtas". However, they have laws that authorize this kind of regime for specific enterprises such as: Líneas Aéreas Costarricenses, Refinadora Costarricense de Petróleos y Radiográfica Nacional. Costa Rica does not have a "Empresas Mixtas" regime for water and sanitation sector.El Salvador
Decree 2336/57 Ley sobre constitución de sociedades por acciones de economía mixtaPeru
Decree 1031/2008
Law 26887/1997: This is the General Corporation Law that addresses the public limited company that is used as the legal framework to "Empresas Mixtas"
Superintendencia Nacional de Servicios de Saneamiento
Policymaker: National Direction of Sanitation - Ministry of Housing, Infrastructure and SanitationSpain
Joint Ventures and Industrial and Regional development Enterprises Taxation Regime Law 18/82
Spanish association of Water control and treatment enterprisesUruguay
Constitution Article 188
Law 16.211
Law 14.623
Law 15.903
Agua: La construcción social de un derecho humano
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