Covid-19 and PPP Blogs

As Covid-19 continues to evolve, it puts various PPP and infrastructure projects under an extreme and prolonged stress test.  This section puts together an ever growing collection of blogs outlining the development of the pandemic, the various hazards projects face during these uncertain times and suggests possible ways to mitigate risk and cushion the blow. To find more, visit Covid-19 and PPPs.


Covid-19 and PPPs

How does Covid-19 affect PPPs? The Covid-19 pandemic has been a major economic shock and affected PPPs and infrastructure, at all stages and in all sectors. Supply chains are disrupted, customer demand falls, and health regulations force a change in the way business is conducted. PPPLRC has launched a number of new Covid-19 pages intended to provide insights and resources, which may help in navigating how Covid-19 will affect PPPs.


Partenariats public-privé par secteur

De la même manière qu’il existe différents types de partenariats public-privé (PPP), ces derniers peuvent être utilisés dans divers secteurs industriels. Chaque secteur offre des défis et des opportunités uniques pour les PPP en raison de considérations liées à l’investissement, juridiques et réglementaires variables.

Obtenez de plus amples informations sur les PPP au sein des secteurs suivants :



About PPPLRC (PPP Legal Resource Center)

The Public-Private Partnership Legal Resource Center (PPPLRC) formerly known as Public-Private Partnership in Infrastructure Resource Center for Contracts, Laws and Regulations (PPPIRC) provides easy access to an array of sample legal materials which can assist in the planning, design and legal structuring of any infrastructure project — especially a project which involves a public-private partnership (PPP). It is organized in two broad categories: (i) guidance on structuring a PPP project and its enabling environment and (ii) sector specific information.

