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Watch this space. This is a new section of the website and is currently in draft form. The World Bank Group Infrastructure Finance Learning program is working closely working with universities, development partners and governments to continuously share lessons learned and real-world examples. For feedback on the content of this section of the website or suggestions for links or materials that could be included, please contact the PPP Resource Center at or take a Quick Survey.



PPP Project Preparation

Understanding and implementing a systematic process is crucial for preparing bankable Public-Private Partnership (PPP) projects. 

PPP contracts often have financial implications for governments, involving long-term payment commitments that may be contingent on various risk. Managing these risks can create challenges for public financial management, which is generally geared to annual appropriations for expenditure. To address this, PPP-specific approaches to public financial management have been developed,  focusing on understanding and mitigating the different categories of risk inherent in PPPs. This systematic approach helps structure successful PPPs, and the WBG Infrastructure Finance Academy provides access to a range of resources and materials, including resources on Project Preparation Funds and Project Preparation Facilities (PPFs) with links to organizations, initiatives, and institutions that support the development of bankable, investment-ready projects.

Project Preparation Facilities (PPFs)

Project Preparation Facilities (PPFs) are important for improving the quality of PPP project development and ensuring that projects are investment-ready. An example of this is the Global Infrastructure Facility (GIF), a global platform that supports the preparation and structuring of complex infrastructure PPPs. The platform facilitates collaboration among multilateral development banks (MDBs), private investors, financiers, and governments in emerging markets and developing economies. By combining funding with a team of technical experts, the GIF enhances the capabilities of client governments and MDB partners, addressing capacity gaps and ensuring successful project outcomes.

The MDBs have also established PPFs to improve project development quality and strengthen local capacities. These facilities promote regional policy dialogue on infrastructure challenges, catalyze access to public and private finance, and support sustainable infrastructure projects, particularly PPPs. Some PPFs include:

Project Funds

Project Development Funds (PDFs) are dedicated vehicles that governments create to systematically support the preparation of  PPPs. A common challenge in many PPP programs is the lack of adequate and consolidated resources for evaluating and preparing potential projects, which limits their ability to attract private investment.

PDFs address this challenge by providing centralized and dedicated funding for PPP project preparation, independent of the typical constraints of government budgeting processes. These funds have contributed in the successful implementation of PPP projects, which can serve to support the increased private investment, critical for achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). For more information, explore the primer on project development funds.

Case Studies

The Innovative Revenues for Infrastructure Guidelines (IRI) provide more than 100 case summaries of commercial value capture across various Category, Country or SectorVisit the World Bank Municipal Public-Private Framework Case Studies, providing valuable insights into successful PPP projects.


Explore the sections below or search our Library for resources on Infrastructure Finance and PPPs.

PPP Online Reference Guide
The Reference Guide is not a toolkit or a step-by-step guidebook; nor does it cover the specifics of PPPs in any given… more
PPP Arrangements/Types of PPP Agreements
Public-private partnerships (PPPs) take a wide range of forms varying in the extent of involvement of and risk taken by… more
Standardized Agreements, Bidding Documents and… There has been a long tradition of the use of standardized agreements for the procurement of goods and services for… more
Concessions Build-Operate-Transfer (BOT) and… Concessions, Build-Operate-Transfer (BOT) Projects, and Design-Build-Operate (DBO) Projects are types of public-private… more
Project Preparation in Asset Recycling
At the project preparation stage, the Relevant Authority should conduct the following activities:Recruit and engage… more
Select WBG PPP Toolkits
Bridging the infrastructure gap is essential to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. To help governments make… more
PPP Units Around the World Find a list of countries with PPP units and links to those units. class="ppp_redirect"
Case Studies: Municipal PPP Framework
Annex 2 of the Innovative Revenues for Infrastructure Guidelines (IRI) includes more than 100 Case summaries… more
Objective of Guidance for Countries in Assessing…
These Project Assessment Guidelines aim to provide a comprehensive and adaptable guide to identify and develop ERC… more
Project Development Funds
World Bank. Project Development Funds (PDFs) - Supporting Project Preparation to Structure Successful Public-private… more
Fund: Liveligoods Carbon Fund 3 The Livelihoods Carbon Fund 3 (LCF3) launched in 2021 and combines equity capital from some international investors… more

Disclaimer: The resources on this site is usually managed by third party websites. The World Bank does not take responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or quality of the information provided, or for any broken links or moved resources. Any changes in the underlying website or link may result in changes to the analysis and recommendations set forth on the Public-Private Partnership Resource Center. The inclusion of documents on this website should not be construed as either a commitment to provide financing or an endorsement by the World Bank of the quality of the document or project. If you have any comments on any of the links provided on the Public-Private Partnership Resource Center, please get in touch here