Title: The Garbage Book: Solid Waste Management in Metro Manila

Languages: English

Type: Document

Region: South Asia (SA)

Country: Global / Non-Specific

Sectors: Municipal Solid Waste

Keywords: Municipal Solid Waste



The Garbage Book: Solid Waste Management in Metro Manila6.05 MB

Document Details:

The Garbage Book presents the solid waste crisis in Metro Manila. It is aimed at raising awareness of issues in the sector, and outlines potential solutions to address the problem.

This book won the Bronze Anvil Award, the overall public relations tools award given by the Public Relations Society of the Philippines during its 40th Anvil Awards in 2005.


  • Urgent Need for Change
  • History of the Waste Disposal Crisis
  • Metro Manila's Waste Disposal Timeline
  • Waste Collection
  • Waste Disposal
  • Active Metro Manila Dump Sites
  • Inactive Metro Manila Dump Sites
  • Dangers of Dump Sites
  • Cost of Solid Waste
  • Garbage, Poverty, and the Environment
  • Opportunities for Change
  • Action Plan for Change

Updated: March 23, 2021