Title: Concession Agreement on the Transfer of the Armenian Railway System to the “South-Caucasian Railway”

Language: English

Type: Document

Nature: Agreement

Published: February 13, 2008

Region: Europe and Central Asia (ECA)

Country: Armenia

Sector: Transportation

Keywords: Knowledge Lab, Transport, Rail


Document Summary:

The document provides the Concession Agreement on the Transfer of the Armenian Railway System to the “South-Caucasian Railway”.

Document Details:

The Agreement sets out how railway property may be assigned to the concession, and how specific properties, including land and other properties, can be assigned to the concessionaire for use but not with an ownership interest. The Concession allows for both infrastructure and train operation and for third party access including international traffic. The agreement also spells out how the government functions can be exercised (safety, oversight, financial accounting standards, etc) and describes the relationship of the various government agencies, including the Public Service Regulatory Commission and the Ministry of Transport and Communications, and other units of the government.

Updated: June 22, 2022