Title: ThinkHazard!

Language: English

Type: Website

Nature: Website

Published: April 26, 2022

Region: Global

Country: Global / Non-Specific

Sector: Water and Sanitation

Keywords: Knowledge Lab ***, PPP Cycle ***, PPP Reference Guide *, PPP Online Reference Guide **, Water

Document Link(s):

Document Summary:

Natural Hazard Assessment Tool, website.

Assessing the potential disaster and climate risk in development is critical for development experts, project developers, planners, officials, and other decision makers. To make this understanding of risk more accessible and increase the resilience of projects around the world, the Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery’s Innovation Lab has collaborated with the World Bank Group, BRGM (the French geological survey), Camptocamp, and Deltares, to develop ThinkHazard!. This free, open source tool analyses global, national, and local hazard data in a first-of-its-kind digital platform. Hazard information is available for 196 countries across 8 different natural hazards. With this tool, users can have a quick, simple-to-use overview of all hazards in an area of interest and access recommendations and resources to help address those risks.

Document Details:

GFDRR. Accessed March 7, 2017. “ThinkHazard! website.” Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery, World Bank. Website. [#4444]

Image by Pixabay

Updated: June 4, 2024