Title: PPPLRC 2019-2020 Report

Author: Jenny Chao and Agnes Evaristo

Language: English

Type: Presentation

Nature: Report

Region: Global

Country: Global-World

Topic: About

Keywords: About PPP **, Annual Report


Document Summary:

Welcome to the 2019-2020.  Report for the PPP Legal Resources Center (formerly known as PPPIRC).  This year ,the site has been busy preparing for a brand-new look and a revamped backend. The revamped site combines an updated design with the same depth of content that users expect from PPPLRC.  It also upgrades the platform of the site to allow for more efficient uploading of content, allowing the team to bring new resources quicker than ever.  The new PPPLRC design is now up and running, so please do go to https://ppp.worldbank.org and check it out!

Document Details:

While the team was focusing on the site upgrade, the site had one of its best years yet in terms of performance.  From July 1, 2019  to June 30, 2020, PPPLRC generated 1,535,682 views (↑9.6 % from the previous reporting period) over 750,150 unique visitors (↑25.7 % from the previous reporting period). Close to 194,000 visitors had an “interaction” with the site, such as downloading a document, or visiting multiple pages, and over 200 countries or regions were represented.

This past year has been a challenging one for all of us.  Like many others, the PPPLRC have been trying to support governments on how to address the fallout from the Covid-19 pandemic through its resources.  To review links which may be helpful for those PPPs impacted by Covid, please see the mailer here.   The PPPLRC is currently undertaking work on how to make PPPs more resilient to shocks such as Covid-19, through legal and practical mechanisms available to the parties.

Speaking of natural disasters, in an age where the majority of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions is associated with infrastructure construction and operation, designing, building and operating climate-smart PPPs is more important than ever.  The PPPLRC is pleased to announce its “greening” through the full launch of the Climate Smart PPPs page, which showcases legal frameworks, procurement criteria, contractual obligations, and other considerations when designing climate smart PPPs. The section also includes sector specific information on climate smart PPPs in energy, water and transport. 

2019-2020 also saw the release of an updated section on Gender Impacts of PPPs, which discusses various entry points for applying a gender lens throughout a PPP cycle.  Upcoming new content include the launch of a new section on Fragile and Conflict States (FCS) and PPPs, and updated core pages on ICT, Energy and Transport.  In particular, ICT has seen a lot of changes over the past decade and a half since the site was founded, and so a complete overhaul of that page is planned, with new materials on net neutrality, satellite regulations, and universal access will be launched in the coming weeks.

The PPPLRC would like to take this opportunity to thank its partners and readers for their support. We look forward to another successful year.


Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay

Tracking Number: PPPLRC2020 Report_EN

Updated: September 2, 2022